Client of the Month
FSE recognizes the commitment, dedication, discipline and sacrifice that clients make to reach their goals. The hardest work is what we face outside of the gym and outside of the parameters of a coach.
So, in 2020 we are "celebrating" the success of clients by choosing one client a month that has made considerable growth and success.
WHY celebrate? Because this stuff ain't easy!

December 2020
Rush Sturges

Our final "client spotlight" for 2020 is no one new to the spotlight . . . Rush Sturges is a professional whitewater kayaker and also has talents in music and filmmaking.
Rush has been training with FSE for over 5 years . . . the journey has taken many shapes as we prepare Rush for the different phases of his kayaking competitions and as we work through injuries associated with overuse, repetitive movements as professional athletes tend to encounter at least once in their career.
Rush is a joy to work with. His 'work ethic', dedication, discipline and tenacity has allowed him to reach success in many areas of his life and it's no different in his training sessions. The same hard work, dedication, discipline is noticed in his consistent training sessions and his healthy lifestyle outside of the gym.
Rush's favorite thing to do is burpees . . . he'll tell you that himself. As his coach, I am honored to have such a fun client who likes to challenge himself and lives by the rule, "No days off" {So, I have to force him to take days off . . . haha}.
Rush's WHY
As a whitewater kayaker I am often heading into remote locations and paddling rivers that demand a lot out of my body. After a shoulder tweak in 2013 I decided it was time to start focusing more on cross training to prevent further injury. I reached out to Heather, and she got me going on a path with FSE that has had amazing benefits for me as an athlete.
FSE has become the backbone of my fitness regimen and at this point it's hard to imagine my life without it. FSE has become vital in preparing me for my "on season" when I need to be able to perform at a high level and feel comfortable doing so. I know for certain that over the years it has also improved me as a competitor, and has helped me see through a number of goals. In addition to building strength, I've also found that spending time at the gym with FSE has had a positive benefit for my mental well being and focus in other areas of my life. Especially during the months where the water is low and it's hard to find the motivation to get in the river. If it wasn't for Heather and all her support over the years I doubt I would be feeling as strong and as positive as I do now. I can't thank FSE enough!

October 2020

Rose Moon

October's Client of the Month is a very inspirational individual. She has such a special story, so I'm going to let her do most of her sharing. But, I just want to preface her story with mentioning that this woman is one of the most fierce, disciplined, committed and determined people I have ever met . . . yet, at the same time she is kind, self-giving, compassionate and one of the most hilarious people in my circle of friends.
Rose has been training with FSE for over a year through our online programming. One of her biggest reasons for success is that she reaches out to FSE when she needs a cheerleader, when she has questions, when she needs a kick in the butt, or when she wants to share her challenges and successes. She trusts her coach and uses her coach when she needs us. THAT is what FSE coaching is all about.
Rose's WHY
I have known Heather for many years and I fully trust her. I trust her to give me the tools I need AND to help keep me accountable. My goal in training with FSE is to be strong and healthy. I wanted to be guided on what movements I needed to do and how to do them. One of the most challenging things that I have experienced with my new, healthier lifestyle is always finding or making the time to workout. Remembering how amazing you feel after a workout is a lot of the times what motivates me. Plus, Heather is just a phone call, text or email away . . . ALWAYS!
Working with FSE is one of the best things you could do for yourself. Results don't happen overnight, but {with my experience} with consistency you WILL see and feel a difference, both MENTALLY and PHYSICALLY. Reaching out to FSE was the best thing I have done for myself in 15 years. It got me back to ME again!
Rose's Story
This picture is me 5 years ago. I was in a very physically and mentally abusive relationship for about 8+ years. I had lost ME completely ~ physically and mentally. The real sad part, is this is the second time in my life that I let this happen to me. It happens so slowly you don’t notice or there is always excuses…
I woke up one day and said to myself who am I anymore? I was drinking daily to escape the hurt and sadness and I didn’t know how to leave and not lose everything again that I had worked so hard for.
It took about 6 months for me to get ready inside. One Christmas night was the last time I would let him do that to me… I would not live like that anymore. I made him leave. I cried for a week for the loss, even though it was a bad thing. Then I put on my BIG GIRL Panties and started working on me. First, I did Weight Watchers for a year then Keto’s for year~ and lost 50lbs.
I was eating healthy, always have for the most part. But my body was so weak. I have always been a strong person. But I could hardly open a jar. I said "ok, I am just about where I want to be with my weight I need my body to get strong"! So, I reached out to Heather to see if she could train me virtually. It just so happened that she was just rolling the virtual training out. It seem to be the world telling me "yes, this is the right path".
I have been working with Heather for 1 year this month and I can truly say it was the BEST thing I have ever done for MY SELF. For just me. I can’t believe how my body has changed in the last year. And I am down about 10lbs. I am at the weight I feel most comfortable in. And I am stronger than I ever have been in my life.. Thank you Heather and FSE for all your love and support.

September 2020

Becky Downey
Happy September . . . I am so excited for everyone to meet Becky. Becky is a true inspiration ~ she is a true adventurer, a truly amazing, fun-loving individual and a SOLID piece to the FSE tribe.
What I love about Becky is her enthusiasm for life. She is one of my only clients that I've actually had to encourage her to take "rest days". She just simply LOVES to move!
Becky has been part of the FSE tribe for over a year. Every session (whether in person or virtual), she greets her coach and team members with a big, beautiful smile. Simply put, she IS the "energizer bunny" ~ she does keep going and going.
Becky's passion for living is admirable . . . and, SHE is who I want to strive to be! Thank you Becky for choosing FSE to support your adventures. That's what FSE specializes in: Providing a training program so that YOU can keep chasing life!
~ Coach Heather
Becky's WHY
FSE…Has become a way of life for me. I wanted to be in a program that could be tailored to fit my needs and lifestyle on a continual basis.
What is most important to me is to be able to age gracefully and continue the activities I love so much…hiking, kayaking, golf, skiing, biking and anything else that requires an active lifestyle.
Being a photographer with extremely heavy equipment for my size is crucial to staying strong and in shape in order to support my livelihood.
August 2020

April Lee
It is with pleasure to announce FSE's August "Client of the Month", April! April is one of our "newer" tribe members, training with us for about 4 months now. She began her journey with FSE when COVID lock-down first happened. We were all quarantined to our homes and she reached out and joined FSE in our "28-day Lose it during Lockdown" Challenge. She has since continued training with us via virtual training.
It takes time to get to know people and develop relationships . . . and, doing it virtually isn't as easy as seeing someone in person. What inspires me about April is that she jumped right into the FSE community {not knowing many people}, trusted her coach and does her homework {training and nutrition}.
April travels a lot and like many people, life is busy . . . but she finds ways to prioritize HER. I'm excited to continue to get to know her. I feel her story can be best told by her . . . but, her story is one of inspiration and celebration. She is unstoppable . . . she is a lion . . . she is fierce . . . and, FSE puts her in the spotlight this month to inspire YOU!
April's WHY
While like everyone, one reason I workout and eat healthy is to LOOK better - that smaller size, that "ideal" we all strive for - my primary reason for focusing on my own health and making it a priority in my very busy life has much more to do with my health than my looks. Diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease all run in my family and I've had high blood pressure since age 35 - hereditary - yes; but also brought on by too much stress and not putting myself first.
In addition, my husband was diagnosed with a very serious heart condition three years ago - despite being a very fit, young and active, in shape man. He nearly died of heart failure and I put on 20 lbs in three months due to stress and putting myself last. While I've always tried to make fitness and healthy eating part of my life, I got more serious about it when our entire budget to run our household was suddenly on my shoulders - along with managing his health when he was too sick to be able to. Now suddenly it was just my job that depended on me having the energy and health to keep going - it was our whole world and his life that depended on it.
I had done other workout programs before and had some progress with that but found Heather through a friend who had lost a good amount of weight doing her programs and was motivated through her fitness training. I was seeking a real person - not just a celebrity on streaming videos - who would seek to understand my specific needs, my lifestyle, and my goals. Heather has been great about holding me accountable to what I have said I want to do - while also recognizing that one of my priorities is balance in my life, time with my husband, and stress reduction all around. I no longer feel like exercise or eating right is just "one more thing on my endless to-do list". It is simply one of many things that's on my priority and focus list that I do for myself. In the last year, I have been able to cut my blood pressure medication in half; reduce my off-the-charts cortisol (stress hormone) levels back to normal levels; and reduce my already healthy blood sugar levels - putting my in what my Doctor said - a very good position to prevent diabetes for a long time to come. My heart is healthy, my body is healthy, and mostly, my mindset is healthy. Yes, I am fitting in two sizes smaller pants. I'm able to wear my new bikini with pride at the beach. And am happier everyday about how I look. But I am even more satisfied with the fact I can bike with my husband whenever I want; hike trails, go on adventures, jog on the sand at the beach, and have the peace of mind that by putting my own health first, I have the energy, stamina and mental and physical fitness to do all the things I want and need to do in my busy life.
July 2020
Canda Linder

July is HERE . . . and FSE is so proud to announce Canda Linder as "Client of the Month". You'd think it would get harder and harder to pick the "Client of the Month", when we are all off in self-quarantine. But, Canda stood out for sure. She has been working remotely/online with Coach Tammy since she started training with FSE in March.
Here are a few thoughts from Coach Tammy:
"It is indeed a pleasure to work together with Canda as a remote client. It's even more important making a commitment to health and fitness during these uncertain times - and Canda has been able to do just that.
Despite a life that is filled with serving others, Canda has set up a morning mobility schedule along with an afternoon programmed walk for fitness . . . to serve HER purpose and HER self! "
~ Coach Tammy
Canda's WHY
In response to Tammy's programming: "It's encouraged me so much knowing that you are steps ahead of me in your programming, while meeting me where I am at."
"I know we are all in this together. We are all looking for health in every avenue. Thanks for being my trainer in the process. I have been moving so much since adding your workouts in my life."
Canda ~ We, here at FSE, are honored that you have chosen us to support and guide you in your health and fitness journey! Thank you for trusting us and being a valuable asset to the FSE fitness Tribe.
~ Coach Heather

June 2020
Ann Anderson

It's a "no brainer" to announce Ann as FSE's CLIENT OF THE MONTH through a world pandemic. Ann is being highlighted this month because she has shown total dedication to her training program while our studio doors have been closed due to COVID-19.
Immediately upon closing our doors, Ann was connecting with me to get set up on the same training schedule, but using our online platform. She has been consistently training at home for over 10 weeks, without a day missed.
Ann is the quiet warrior . . . she comes into each session, gets down to business and ALWAYS pushes herself. Every training session that I've coached her, I witness her quiet fierceness. She isn't training to show up her neighbor, instead she is there to encourage her neighbor. She isn't training to be the best in the room, instead she is training to be the best she is that day.
What stands out the most with Ann is her commitment . . . and in the last 3-5 minutes of every "finisher" you can bet she is giving 110%.
FSE is so fortunate to have such a great example of tenacity, determination, fierceness and "never giving up" . . . this is Ann . . . and we are so blessed to have her in our tribe.
Ann's WHY
I have known Heather for a long time. When we moved out to White Salmon many years ago I found Strawberry Mt. and an early morning step class. That morphed into Cross Fit and I stuck with Cross Fit for a long time. It turns out I like to weight lift.
When Cross Fit was no longer inspiring and I was having a hard time wanting to get up and work out, it was natural for me to seek out Heather and FSE. The early Tuesday and Thursday morning workouts have been fun and keep me coming back for more. I appreciate that the work outs are tailored to me and my issues. I keep working out for a variety of reasons which include keeping up with the kids and work and life.
Frankly it is a habit. I have worked out for a long time which helps me to keep going when things get hard.
May 2020

Ally Goyette
FSE is stoked to announce Ally Goyette as the "Client of the Month" for May. Ally is the perfect combination of athleticism, fitness, strength, determination and drive.
Goals . . . Ally knows the importance of setting goals. Ally has been with FSE for about two years and has accomplished so many feats during this time. Ally sets "doable" but challenging goals for herself {as she is driven by challenge}; works hard for those goals; reaches them . . . yes, every single one of them; and, then lets her mind open in search of new, fascinating and exciting goals for her next phase of training.
She is driven by seeing what she is capable of . . . Her drive is inspiring to her fellow FSE tribe members and her coaches. The energy that Ally brings to each session and her consistency and commitment to her training are noticed by everyone around her. She brings 'life and vitality' to each session she's in. We truly feel honored to have her in the FSE family.
~ Heather
"Since joining FSE I don’t think there has been a fitness related goal I haven’t asked Heather to help me tackle! I had some big outdoor recreational goals, wanted to tone up and lose weight for my wedding, and had to deal with a few injuries along the way.
With the help of FSE I’ve accomplished it all and so much more. The coaches don’t limit their focus to the hour in the gym, the combination of intense workouts and thoughtful check-ins and advice have helped me become a healthier person in all aspects of my life. FSE isn’t just a gym, it’s a community, and I love seeing my coaches and fellow clients every single week!
I’ve now summited (and skied!) Mount St. Helens, tackled backcountry ski trips, kayaked and rowed a number of new rivers (all injury free!), and felt incredible on my wedding day. But I’m not done yet - and Heather and her team have given me the utmost confidence that I can be prepared for whatever I plan next with some hard work and a lot of help and support from the FSE family.
~ Ally
Ally's WHY:
Because I never stop dreaming up adventures and I want to be strong enough, healthy enough, and fit enough to keep climbing, skiing, kayaking, rowing, hiking and running it all!"

April 2020
Robin Clark
It's April 1st . . . but, it's NO JOKE that Robin is FSE's Client of the Month without a doubt. Robin has been with us a little over 18 months. What makes Robin stand out as an easy vote for FSE's 'client of the month' is her commitment, drive, determination, discipline, hard work and her AMAZING personality!!! We could honestly continue with the list of attributes that Robin has . . . but, we'll stop there!
Robin's goal when she first reached out to FSE was to lose weight and get stronger. Well, she made her goal weight . . . she continues to train hard and get stronger {She actually bench pressed over 1/2 of her bodyweight for her February goal} . . . and, she is ready to set new goals and work hard to continue finding the BEST version of herself.
The success behind Robin's goals stem from her commitment 100%. Many people ask, "Why can't I lose weight?" Well, a lot of the time it's because people easily veer off their weight loss plan when things get challenging or uncomfortable. Robin asked questions, the coaches guided her and she followed through and trusted the process and the plan! She was disciplined and dedicated . . .
We are so blessed with such amazing clients at Fitness & Sport Evolution. Robin is not only a valued client, but a great friend to all the coaches and all of her training partners.
Robin's WHY:
"When I first started with FSE I just wanted to tone up and lose a little weight. My journey has become so much more than that.
The more I achieved, the more I wanted to achieve. I have toned up, and even lost more weight than planned. I love my FSE tribe and our fun hard-working sessions and think I have the most Amazing coach. I feel the best I have ever felt because of this healthy life -style journey.
So, WHY? Because I want to be strong ,fit, healthy, feel good in my own skin and be able to keep doing all of my outdoor activities!

March 2020
Mackenzie Halliday
It is a pleasure to announce that Mackenzie has been chosen as FSE’s client of the month. Mackenzie is a sophomore at Cazenovia High School in Cazenovia, New York.
Kenzie is an online client, working with coach Tammy. Here is what Tammy has to share about her:
"It is a delight to coach Kenzie. Words that come to mind when describing her are intelligent, ambitious and driven. Kenzie’s honors and activities would keep the most organized adult busy. Yet, she has consistently risen above her peers to the next level in academics, athletics and community service.
Her community service is NOT just a line on the resume. She has served on the Manlius Fire Department Explorer Post 526 for the past two years. This program is designed for teenagers to learn about fire science, emergency response, and leadership. They participate in drills and medical training. She is now Vice President.
Her athletic honors include being named Varsity goalie in first year ever playing field hockey and Varsity goalie in her Freshman year in Lacrosse. She has attended Syracuse University Orange Elite Camp and Intensive Goalkeeping clinics.
Her club experiences include both Lacrosse and Field Hockey.
In her “spare” time she has earned a Black Belt in Karate, plays violin in the school orchestra, Indoor Track and has raced on the Toggenburg Ski Team.
And, perhaps most importantly her current GPA is 95.72 – Highest Honor Roll.
A couple weeks ago Kenzie was in between indoor track and lacrosse season. She was “only” scheduled for weekend clinics and community service. I asked her how she was doing, and she characteristically said, “I’m good”. So, I followed up and asked her “would you like me to put new workouts into your programming during this time off?” Immediately her response was, “YES PLEASE!”. Wow!!!!!
~ Coach Tammy
Kenzie's WHY:
“I train with you because I want to improve and be the best athlete I can be.”
Enough said. We didn't need a long answer to this question . . . Kenzie is proof that training for areas in your life where you want to excel WORKS!

February 2020
Dave & Jane Poucher

Dave & Jane Poucher . . . the coaches at FSE just couldn't decide between the two! Plus, they typically come in a package of PURE awesomeness! Coach Heather has been working with Dave & Jane for many, many years. Dave is actually one of Heather's VERY first clients at Strawberry Mountain Gym!!!! This duo was chosen as February's "client of the month" because of their dedication to being able to move, play and adventure as they get older. These two hike, kayak, travel and seem to never slow down. They are great examples of "age is just a number". Stay active and stay young is their motto! Currently they are enjoying their winter in warmer climates, but before they left they shared with me all the activities they were excited to participate in.
I can honesty say, "I love these two!" ~ Coach Heather
~ FSE Coaches
Dave Poucher's WHY:
"Heather has been my trainer for almost 10 years now. I started because I found that I could not do the activities I wanted to do without straining or injuring myself. Heather helped me to develop a plan, and update the plan as my strength, balance, coordination improved. Today I'm 20 pounds lighter, more fit, have more energy than I did when I started training.
Jane Poucher's WHY:
In March of 2014 I shattered my wrist while on a hike in Maui. I discovered I had Osteoporosis and it was a wake up call. After I was out of my cast and the doctor gave me an okay, at age 61, I started training with Heather. We put together a program to help me with strength training, improve my balance, and do weight bearing exercise. With even my small successes, Heather encouraged me all the way. In time I started kayaking, and returned to SUP'ing and would not fatigue. Plus, I was more stable than before. Not long ago I purchased a 25 pound bag of oatmeal and carried it on my shoulder to the car… was not a problem for my petite body type at 66.
My husband and I have been doing an anti-inflammatory diet that gives us increased energy. Heather has helped with that as well.
It has been 5 plus years now, my bone density has increased, I’m more active, and my energy has returned Thank you Heather for working with me and my priorities.

January 2020
Christine Ford
As our first "Client of the Month" for 2020, Christine was chosen for her dedication, hard work and best of all . . . her FUNtastic attitude that she brings to everything she participates in. Christine never misses a training session. And, if she has too . . . she finds ways to make it up either outside of the gym or joining another session on the schedule. Christine brings 100% to every set, every rep and every session "finisher" that she executes. Her laughter, approachability, sassy comments and occasional profanities are what makes her unique and a favorite among her training tribe.
~ FSE Coaches

Christine's WHY:
I've always struggled with my weight. When I was a kid, my older sister called me Grimace - the big purple character from McDonald's. When I joined the Air Force, I got fit and strong. I looked and felt good, and was very active. Medical issues, their associated medications, and physical activity restrictions changed all that. I lost motivation, and gained a lot of weight. A couple years ago, when I was at my highest weight ever, I finally decided I needed to do something. I found a women's fitness center that I loved, and started on a weight loss journey, which I have continued since moving to WA and finding Fitness & Sport Evolution. I have gotten back down to the weight I was when I left the Air Force, and continue to work toward regaining my former strength and physical abilities. I have also taken up hiking and running, in addition to sea kayaking. So... my "why" is to be fit & strong, look & feel good, and to be able to participate in the outdoor activities that I love.